Transfer funds
This page covers how to transfer funds between two addresses. There are several ways to complete a transfer; pick the process that best fits your situation.
If you’re unsure which process to follow, the Substrate Explorer workflow is the easiest.
Substrate explorer
To transfer funds, you must have the following:
- Access to at least 2 Entropy accounts, one of which must have funds.
- Access to the Polkadot.js explorer.
- A Polkadot.js compatible browser wallet. This guide uses the Polkadot{.js} Browser Extension as an example.
Import the addresses into the wallet. In the Polkadot{.js} Browser Extension, this can be done by selecting the plus + icon and clicking Import account from pre-existing seed:
Start the Substrate explorer and connect to the
network.Select the Accounts dropdown and click Accounts.
A popup should display asking if you want to grant the Substrate Explorer access to your wallet. Click Yes, allow this application access.
Click Send on the account that you want to send funds from.
Select the account you want to send funds to in the send to address dropdown.
Enter the number of tokens you want to send. The minimum number you can send is
.Click Make Transfer.
Review the details on this confirmation page and click Sign and Submit.
Enter your password if prompted, and click Sign the transaction.
That’s it! The transaction will take up to 6 seconds to transfer funds from one account to another.
Interactive CLI
Here is the process for transfering using the Entropy CLI’s interactive text-based user interface (TUI).
Start the TUI:
From the main menu in the CLI select Manage Accounts:
? Select Action ❯ Manage Accounts Balance Register Sign Transfer Deploy Program User Programs Exit
Choose Select Accounts.
Select the account you want to transfer funds from.
Return to the main menu.
Select Transfer.
Enter the amount of funds you want to transfer.
Enter the address that you want to transfer funds to.
The transfer should take about 10 seconds.