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Register an address

Registering an account is a feature unique to Entropy. Without going into too much detail, it advertises to the network that you own this account and that you're ready to start signing things.


  1. Start the CLI by running yarn start within your local copy of the entropyxyz/cli repository.

  2. At the main menu within the CLI, select Register:

    ? Select Action
    Manage Accounts
    > Register
    Deploy Program
    User Programs
  3. The CLI will send your selected account information to the network. As long as you have enough funds in your account, the network will register your account.

    Attempting to register the address: 5Dcps2RdXPQfiJBxxDnrF8iDzDHcnZC8rb5mcJ3xicqzhYbv
    Your address 5Dcps2RdXPQfiJBxxDnrF8iDzDHcnZC8rb5mcJ3xicqzhYbv has been successfully registered.
  4. Press Y to go back to the main menu.


The feature is not currently available in the SDK.