Get funds

Get funds

You need funds to interact with the Entropy blockchain network. To get these testing funds, you will need a GitHub account.


The Entropy main network (mainnet) has yet to be released; as such, mainnet funds are not available.


Funds for testing are available from the manual faucet.

We’re currently publically testing some of the Entropy tooling. As such, some of the workflows, like getting test funds, are a bit rough. We’re building an automated faucet to hand out test funds, and we’ll update this page when it’s ready.
  1. Log into your GitHub account and go to

  2. Navigate to the Discussions tab and select New discussion.

  3. Next to Get Test Funds click Get started:

  4. In the Title field, enter the address you copied from the previous section.

  5. Enter any text into the Description field; GitHub doesn’t allow users to leave this field blank. If you need more than 10,000 test funds, enter the amount of funds you need and a reason why into this field.

  6. Click Start discussion.

At this point, someone from Entropy will send you some test funds. This should happen within a couple of hours, but may be longer. Once they’ve sent the funds to the address you provided they’ll let you know, and close the issue.