

This section explains the technical steps involved in registering a user account on the Entropy network, including the selection of programs and configurations, and the generation of a verifying key.

The SDK method for registering is Entropy.register.

The registering process

    actor User
    participant Chain

    User ->> Chain: Informs chain of registration. And selects programs and configs associated with account
    Chain ->> User: Selects user's derivation path and returns verifying key associated with that user
  1. The user registers with the Entropy chain by submitting a transaction from any account containing the ‘Account Key’, and initial ‘ProgramsData’.

    • ProgramsData - Is multiple Programs Instances. Which contain the program_pointer (the hash of the program you want to use) and the program_config for that program. On the evaluation of a signature request a threshold server will run all the programs and pass through the program config for that program.
  2. The chain selects a derivation path based on a running count and stores said user information in a mapping with the veryfying key for that user as the key in the mapping. The veryfying key will be the account that the edcsa signatures resolve to.