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This page outlines the support process for Entropy users. Since the network is still in its early stages, this process is likely to change.

1. Check the documentation

Before submitting an issue, search the Entropy Docs and associated resources. This seems obvious, but it's often worth throwing your question into the search bar.

2. Identify the issue

  • Clearly define the problem you're encountering with the Entropy network.
  • Gather relevant details like error messages, logs, and steps to reproduce the issue.

3. Search for existing issues

  • Utilize the search function within Entropy Docs GitHub Issues to see if your problem has already been reported.
  • Look for issues with similar descriptions or error messages.
  • If a relevant issue exists, check for comments or solutions and consider contributing to the existing discussion instead of creating a new issue.

4. Create a new issue

  • If no existing issue matches your problem, create a new issue.
  • Provide a clear and concise title for your issue.
  • Follow the issue template for instructions.

5. Submit the issue

  • Once you've completed all the details, proofread your description for clarity and conciseness.
  • Submit the issue and wait for a response.

6. Follow up

  • Monitor the issue for updates and promptly respond if we ask further questions.
  • Consider mentioning the solution in the comments section of similar issues once your issue gets resolved.

Additional tips

Be specific and transparent about the problem you're facing. The more details you provide, the easier it will be for the maintainers to diagnose and address the issue.